Time Management Techniques

Perfectionism, one of the killers of your time

Perfectionism prevents you to do things and constantly postponing them, and wastes your time under the same pretext. Perfectionism may be considered a positive thing by many people, while perfectionism leads to a waste of time and energy and a decrease in self-esteem.Perfectionists believe that they want the best out of everything, on the other […]

Time Management Techniques

The art of analyzing time

One of the first skills you need to have in managing your time is the art of analyzing your own time. When you plan your time, check the time spent on each task after each day to find out what you wasted the most time on and it hasn’t any result for you. Do this […]

Time Management Techniques

Do daily exercise

You need focus, freshness and energy to do the tasks well.Sport is directly related to increasing productivity. Doing exercise and healthy eating help us to have enough energy and vitality to do tasks better.The most important thing, to enjoy the life is having a healthy body at first. How much do you know about time […]