productivity tools Time Management Techniques

Do you know how many hours you spend doing your work?

We can often guess, but our estimates are usually unacceptable. Time tracking is a management technique used to record working hours and gives us information about the time allotted for each task.
Now the question is how can you track your time?

To do that,technology has come to our aid.There are several softwares that can be used to easily track and calculate the time spent on each activity.

Pendulums is among this, which is completely free, open source and unlimited in number of users and number of projects.
You can easily create different projects, choose colors for them, add your teammates, get reports and chart to see the activities of each person, write notes on projects and finally manage your time.

Time tracking is a powerful time management technique and with having real data about your work you can gain skills in improving time productivity.

Do you use any time tracker app?

Write in comments😊

You can use Pendulums time tracker app on desktop (linux, mac, windows) and Android

Sign up now to use it compeletly free!

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