productivity tools Time Management Techniques

Liven up your dead times

Did you finish your last task earlier? Great, you saved time for yourself, but do you have a plan for that extra time? Most of us have a lots of dead time during the day, including in traffic, in the doctor’s office, while waiting for food to be delivered, when waiting for a colleague to […]

Time Management Techniques

Make the year 15 months

We have about 4 hours of dead time per day, which if we can make only 2 hours of it useful, we will have 60 hours of extra time per month, and if we consider it in a year, we will have a month of work. If you consider sleep and working time, it’s like […]

Time Management Techniques Time tracker app

Transparency in carrying out projects with Pendulums

Pendulums is a time tracker app that provides data on working time as a basis for billing. It also reports on the current project, its progress, and whether people are following the project schedule or not. Pendulums reports provide transparency to customers and ensure the progress of projects. This in turn builds customer trust. On […]

Time Management Techniques

“Delegation” : You can not do all the tasks alone

One of the time management techniques is delegation.Prevent to leave tasks to others or leaving tasks to the wrong people can eventually take more time from us. If you are going to get help typing a text from your co-worker and eventually you have to spend some time again to edit the text typed by […]

Time Management Techniques

Getting things done or in short GTD method

Getting things done or in short GTD method for better time management that provides by David Allen. This method indicates that sometimes there are things in your mind that occupy your mind much more than what matters. And they end up wasting your time, more time than what it takes. As a result, with these […]

Time Management Techniques

How much time do we waste per day?

During the day, various factors can disrupt our mental order and distract us. If we estimate our attention span averagely and multiply by 25, we might simply calculate the amount of time and expense lost as well. According to Gloria Mark’s research at the University of California, Berkeley, it usually takes an average of 23 […]

productivity tools Time Management Techniques

Do you know how many hours you spend doing your work?

We can often guess, but our estimates are usually unacceptable. Time tracking is a management technique used to record working hours and gives us information about the time allotted for each task.Now the question is how can you track your time? To do that,technology has come to our aid.There are several softwares that can be […]

Time Management Techniques

Perfectionism, one of the killers of your time

Perfectionism prevents you to do things and constantly postponing them, and wastes your time under the same pretext. Perfectionism may be considered a positive thing by many people, while perfectionism leads to a waste of time and energy and a decrease in self-esteem.Perfectionists believe that they want the best out of everything, on the other […]

Time Management Techniques

The art of analyzing time

One of the first skills you need to have in managing your time is the art of analyzing your own time. When you plan your time, check the time spent on each task after each day to find out what you wasted the most time on and it hasn’t any result for you. Do this […]

Time Management Techniques

Do daily exercise

You need focus, freshness and energy to do the tasks well.Sport is directly related to increasing productivity. Doing exercise and healthy eating help us to have enough energy and vitality to do tasks better.The most important thing, to enjoy the life is having a healthy body at first. How much do you know about time […]