productivity tools Time tracker app

The most important tool for remote team management

Remotely managing a team can be challenging despite its benefits, challenges like how to communicate, how members communicate with each other, trust, tracking employee productivity and accomplishing tasks.Not only the existence of these challenges doesn’t mean that working remotely is not as good as working in the organization’s environment, but also in many cases remote […]

productivity tools

Having a good team and managing it

Having a good team is one of the most important resources of any business, which is considered as a spiritual resource.A good team means having stuffs with knowledge and learning attitude , with experience and risk-taking, creative and ideative in a flat and equal environment where everyone has the right to comment and feel responsible […]

productivity tools

Business Productivity Improvement

One of the most important resources of any organization or business is its human resources. Having a skilled and experienced employee can be very encouraging, but there are a few important things to keep in mind. Having a professional employee can not necessarily be a guarantee for increasing productivity, this can be expected when the […]

Time Management Techniques

Perfectionism, one of the killers of your time

Perfectionism prevents you to do things and constantly postponing them, and wastes your time under the same pretext. Perfectionism may be considered a positive thing by many people, while perfectionism leads to a waste of time and energy and a decrease in self-esteem.Perfectionists believe that they want the best out of everything, on the other […]

Time Management Techniques

Do daily exercise

You need focus, freshness and energy to do the tasks well.Sport is directly related to increasing productivity. Doing exercise and healthy eating help us to have enough energy and vitality to do tasks better.The most important thing, to enjoy the life is having a healthy body at first. How much do you know about time […]

Time Management Techniques

1-3-5 Rule in Time Management

This method is one of the most widely used methods in time management.In this way, you can list your daily or weekly schedules, do not neglect the power of writing at all, it helps to open your mind.After writing, try to categorize into three main groups:bigmediumSmall Pay attention to the two aspects of tasks in […]

Time Management Techniques

Stop Multitasking

Do multiple tasks simultaneously or multitaskingSome people claim that this is possible for them and they can do several things at the same time, but the fact is that it never happens at the same time, and actually they are jumping from one task to another, And cut the work in half and continue the […]

Time Management Techniques

Do the critical tasks in the morning

Various studies have shown that the highest productivity of the mind is in the morning.In the early hours of the day, the mind is more energetic and more prepared.One of the most important meals that should not be forgotten in any way is breakfast. But eating any food should not be considered as breakfast and […]

Time Management Techniques

Eisenhower Matrix and Time Tracking

Eisenhower Matrix (Important — Urgent)One of the easiest time management methods is using the Eisenhower Matrix, which is based on the importance and urgency of the tasks. And so, some activities have to be done quickly or scheduled to be postponed for once again, or completely eliminated.This method of time management is very effective and […]

Time Management Techniques

The 80/20 or Pareto principle for Time Management

The 80/20 or Pareto principle is one of the most useful and important rules for managing time and project.The original name of Pareto is based on the name of an Italian economist, Vilfredo Pareto, who, in his studies in Italy, concluded that 80% of the country’s real estate was owned by 20% of its population.This […]